#7 Answering Commonly Asked Acupuncture Questions
The most popular questions about acupuncture on the internet answered by an acupuncturist.
Thanks for tuning in and talk about some frequently asked questions. Okay, so this program that aggregates what people are searching for the most, and what one of those, so we're gonna have a list and talk about what some of these questions are about, and we're gonna answer them in order of, you know, I'm gonna focus on the ones that are the most according to the thing. So, acupuncture for things, I think it does exist, it does work. And I don't think there's any reason to be afraid of it or to
aggrandizing side notes of acupuncture so which we'll probably going to talk about famously, this looks back at the possible negative effects of acupuncture are so much less than so much lower than that of alternative methods for reasonable I would over acupuncture first. And often, in the instances of treating acupuncture, meditation, eating right foods, changing external stimulus of your world, those are gonna be a major game changer in terms of your experience of anxiousness or anxiety. So there's a lot of alternatives that don't involve the costly medications we're gonna get into, they're costly in terms of their effect on the body and their effect on you, or in potential aggregate negative side effects. So if you're on medication that has some negative side effects for a year or a couple of months, so in ADHD, okay, compared to if you were on that same medication for a decade or two decades or three decades, so we want to avoid that we would avoid that prolonged use of these, you know, medications and that I usually think these medications like that are great in the interim, they're they're great to start and interrupted, the processes are great to create change in a situation where we need such significant leverage that it's worth the risk, when it's no longer worth the risk, that we're we're out of immediate danger or the person that any dangerous whatever that thing may be, then it's important to be able to the opportunity to scale back and say, Okay, how can we enter how can we you know, because he didn't get a job as well, Indiana Jones has a bag of beans or something is trying to switch it with the idle without setting off the trap, right, you want to take a lower risk situation and switch it out with the higher risk situation the higher side like situation without the body having to request them without experiencing in case of anxiety not going back and just panic attacks are super, super anxious states rather able to swish one habit or one technique with a technique that was originally creating that new stasis, that homeostasis things will not stasis, not stagnation, but equilibrium or new form of it, acupuncture for weight loss, that's an interesting one, our computer we lost techniques where you go in and get super, super aggressively healed around the tummy with insufficient bone mineral, but you have to go exercise in really accurate for an hour, just know that that particular method works. That's one of the few acupuncture weight loss methods that I know as far as acupuncture people say, like, yeah, if I had imagined, we lost the older people and the people out the door, I don't know if it really exists. That way, you can just put anyone somebody fall off. So in regards to acupuncture can do for can, you know, unnecessary weight gain or feeling advanced weight or the waist but too high or too long? Whatever their reason for wanting to lose weight or their circumstances is you want to look into ways to change the underlying titles, why is the person gaining weight, why and how, and interestingly, they do medicine also have Earth diet, as you know, supplementation and stuff that we can do as exercises that we use, there's more to the discussion than just putting it on somebody for weight loss, those techniques do exist, not a lot people practice it, and a lot of people know them. So I would definitely put acupuncture in something if I needed to aggressively, I would definitely consider
optimizing the justices which I can do and providing you the necessary energy to get off your butt and go exercise and to support all the stuff that goes into weight loss. Weight loss isn't just about the pounds falling off, it's about the emotional state and gains. But the hormonal cascade is about the optimization of the digestion, it's about the foods that you add in, it's about who you spend time with, it's about so much more than just hands on hands off. Oftentimes, it is that simple. But there's all these other layers of complexity that we need to acknowledge, I just did a bunch of compensation on that, but it
is super, super effective. And we're going to dwell on too long, but it's like one of the purchase party tricks if you're looking, you know, you probably be getting closer to a party, somebody's gonna come on the
table after like three or four deals and they're looking around and it's gonna be very acupuncture, super effective for that. And another week, people can party trick, you know, like frozen shoulder sometimes can be like, more PDKs can be like me do real quick do right and left in the right time. And right now and people.
periods if people are either either, if you are on your date, 2930 34 you get out there waiting for that period, wondering where's knowing that you're not pregnant? And you're like, I don't understand why Where's that coming? Oftentimes acupuncture can can bring that about, like, quickly.
Two years later, yeah, definitely. That exists. There's protocols, it's there's tons of protocols that we get taught in school, like most languages, not just me, like if you think I'm good at special, like, I'm not really that much more special than a lot of my colleagues out there who have gone through much of the same education that I have.
I mean, we are different, a lot of ways but some part of the basic education that you get schools had reduced labor, I actually worked at a utility clinic for a little while I studied difference there. And we have people come in on a regular basis and ready for the protocols that we would give people
it's hard to know whether or not somebody would have a great delivery in the absence of that, but I will say that there have been definite like, you know, seemed like they've just slipped out. The last word the most we're able to have had the procedure and and also all you know, acupuncture for labor delivery is great. It does work. There's there's plenty of research on it working. The protocols are taught to almost every Act, Congress and
most acupuncturist could probably accomplish it with some level of success.
So people specialize it more than others, much like any other any other issue that you will see a acupuncturist for their speciality. So you just gotta kind of hop around and see who you're looking for. Do you find the person who you resonate with a person with their specialty is your problem as their specialty. And that might be something to keep in mind. But yeah, acupressure newsletter, it's a thing that works. There's scientific research on it. And there's also scientific research on the next thing. You want to stop smoking. So if there's a one of the major stop smoking protocols, built on little little rings here for a second rant, but like a little, sort of to fill out the explanation, but there was a study done when they were doing
I think it was a study was that it goes this way that there was a your acupuncture point that was being utilized in the protocol for you imagine getting acupuncture anesthesia, like going after surgery.
No chemicals like now being an anesthesia commercial, that's a thing. Yeah, I would have to learn more about that probably, we're gonna certainly do it. He's a cool seal half. But
it was found people who go under the acupuncture needle for under intense stimulation for this sad fact that analgesic apakah, was called in seiza. Sorry, nice to say that we're very much Ecija protocol with actually people who were smokers, and with less of a less of an urge to smoke. So that became the foundation of what became the National Association for the detoxification, acupuncture, nada, nada protocol, which is used all across the United you have any acupuncturist webinar protocols, you put any occupation say, I wanna quit smoking, please didn't have a role, then they'll probably all know that recall. And I brought up the point, that same question is the point that next with the lung, which without getting too deep into theory, or that long adventure point, that's an ear can ask what the psyche is wanting desire earthly craving, right of the party that says like, I want you to hold on something, I want to have intercourse I want to have that earthly desire and he didn't kind of thing by by simulating that it was decreasing that craving craving, or as they call it, stealing apart, I think there's a loss of yours being this like spirit, is that a component of spirit component of your psyche experience it kind of occupying same similar mental territory, by still in that part of the psyche, we can decrease cravings and, you know, take away from the suffering associated with smoking. So that's pretty cool. labor and labor, losing weight, talked about that stuff. smoking, smoking, labor,
needles, ice, we're talking about acupressure.
There's an interesting question, because this is the thing, right? Is, is kind of what are you using, instead of using like electron electricity? Are you losing your fingers on all these tools that are like funny little little metal tape things that you use with the handles like, it's not exactly this, but it'd be similar to this pressing on somebody's pulling, so it saves your finger and practitioner. There's all kinds of points for different things that people can self stimulate, you know, this one is the common one for headache, we'll talk about the the in between the thumb and the index finger on the palm on the backside of the palm, or in between the two tendons on the wrist, about two or three inches up from the wrist crease on the inside of the arm, the white side, not the white side, sorry, but the lighter the lighter side of the skin building part of the arm has less hair. I mean, it's, I mean, it's wider than the darker side of the tan side side that sees the sunblock. And so, you know, practitioners use acupressure themselves. When they're talking to somebody when somebody was like, honestly, we used to think your acupuncture needles, acupuncture needles and ends up sitting around a stopping point about getting turkey dinner or hanging out in the neighborhood don't think about it, but it does work is the thing.
It depends on practitioner diagnosis and treatment skills and abilities stuff like that. So it does exist, I have been able to treat people in this clinic I'm an acupuncturist as a practice or diet is going to be Listen, we have a couple things right and it's kind of like grass in therapy. So there's all kinds of things that we can do stretching, purchase and stretching between massage so we can do 567 things that aren't needles in silhouette change in the body and another different was not getting too deep into it. There's a lot that we can do excuse me even without without using needles. I poked it with a local simulation and is used for so many things and there's more and more research coming in at practically by the minute it's getting more and more advanced it's a great it's great and it's great word like most things right here is great grammar and not rape or too many other things other than hearing anything else. It must be logical simulation can do concrete things from like physical pain, emotional pain, you can treat inflammation, joint pains, muscle pain, muscle pains, muscle pain, what else usually a loss you can treat almost anything in the body now there's now say almost anything is of course going to be loss of disclaimer there and let's go to the next question and that makes sense. Acupuncture is good for Black was good for so
not gonna have a heart attack not gonna have to pick this up I just had a stroke like just had stroke gonna go to the hospital. Some scans on Dudley the second hospital for that stroke. I have no acupuncturist and I'm getting aggressive very aggressive intervention aggressive treatment for months and months and months to regain what could possibly possibly be read? So
emergency medicine emerging medicine modern medicine right it's very easy for us at that it's terrible hospitals awful the disaster and to a large extent they are but if I'm having an attack or just broken bone go into the hospital and I'm gonna have to have an acute infection IV antibiotics or I wasn't gonna die but a kidney infection things like that. I'm going to hospital that's that's totally okay we're not gonna we're not going to hospital now. But
it is super important understand the distinction in speciality that go to the emergent emergent med even even the hospital doctors don't understand
A lot of interesting most of them are not talking about attrition. So you go to the hospital treat these emergency things, you get these specialty procedures done. And then you leave and all this recovery work to be done with all this work to be done in a way of active maintenance and preventative means. So I just want to go here a second, there's very, very few things that I know where you procedures where you go in, it's handled as I had a mole that wasn't due to have to be removed. In fact, it's causing tremendous pain, it was not quick enough procedure, and I willing to recover from that easily.
We have a call I got Lyme disease, one of the antibiotics, and then it was two weeks, and I'm gonna get my digestive tract back, which was messed up and then I asked for months, and then my energy level, recovery was six months to a year from less disease easily.
Recovery and code has been has been ongoing for a year, two years. So there's right expectations, like creating expectations, right? It's not like you go to the hospital for surgery, because your recovery time, if you break a bone to the hospital can be recovered together. But listeners, it's gonna be recovery time, I'm gonna shorten the recovery time, as much as we can in that recovery time to accelerate recovery and to prevent it from happening again, that's where traditionally staged medicine comes in as our naturopathic medicine is really great to have it to some extent, it's really that there's lots of these other things digesting nutrition and supplementation, massage therapy, all these things that you can do to accelerate healing process and to bring noradrenaline metabolism to the state of being super strong, super resilient, ultra fast healing in between, right? We have days of not needing to go to hospital need to go to hospital, but all stuff that happens in between, there's a lot of or improvement in the mainstream. What happens in that space. So what is that departure good for? Well, it's good for what's good for there are protocols for treating people with
severe Hydrae hemorrhaging and adorable recalls for severe infection. But Rachel for the right job if you need a defibrillator need a familiar so let's you know not cut off our nose to spite our faces if I'm using that, right. I use that right. I don't think I mean that right?
No, we do is that you put your painful Yes. Okay, I get sad. It's sad. People say that people should not suppose hurt. That's a lie. People say that you don't feel agrochemicals. It's a lot nice to have the metal feel it, you should feel that you know it's working. Okay, there are some super high level and I'm sure if you put the needle in and you barely feel anything, had it and you'll like changes but just want to know where to put the magic invisible deal. Like sure those master level savant exists. That's not what a drag, I'm just using this. Well, that's probably not enough to be entrepreneurs who've been in practice for 1015 20 years, the needles hurt, they just do. But they usually don't hurt more than you're already. And it's a little bit of a hurt, literally kind of thing. So if you're okay with exercise, right? Hurting, I'm feeling great later, then you should be fine with acupuncture hurting, to feel better later, is really, really just feel like getting hurt blocked or a really bad mosquito bite, maybe you'd be seeing it worse. But like, it doesn't even have to be a beekeeper actually be saying for sure. These things are tremendously exciting, exciting experiences.
Okay, what's the next question? fertility? Yeah, there's lots we can do for fertility, acupuncture, but also with herbs, and supplementation and the whole diet also for IVF and fertility, like creating the situation for the body to become more fertile to be to create a good soil seed to be planted. And if you would pardon the pun, there's a lot that can be done for that. And if you're paying $10,000, and he doesn't know how much you paying for IVF, why not? Hey, this, you know, the same amount to ensure that it works are you just a couple of hands and also ensure a better likelihood of working, if you're going through that process weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of IVF and preparing BOD and trying to pregnant and you should be doing acupuncture, herbs and supplementation like that, as well to increase more and more likely you're not hemorrhaging and burning your money paying for super expensive hormone therapies.
Acupuncture is not true. Israel actually does exist. And a tradition has been around for 1000s of years. I already surprised if it was 1000s of years of people falling cells before microscopes, right? I'm sure charlatans have been around for 1000s of years, but
I think it would have come come out. You know, I think it'd be NVS would have have been debunked. If it wasn't I don't believe it is now because I want to believe it because I have I can show
can acupuncture increase pain isn't really since Yeah, I mean, it's done wrong, we can experience negative effects of it.
Make sure you're totally okay. Then how can acupuncture cure infertility? Sure, we can as acupuncture Okay, so acupuncture applies is receiving their different acupuncturist? What is the quality of that person? How are they? Or what is the quality of medicine? How well are they trained? What do they know about?
fertility? All that is are variables right? Can it help with can it cure? Does it mean it sure everybody has a different idea of what curing is is discouraging infertility me going from not able to conceive to conception? Yeah, keep on truckin. Definitely that can it take you from a place of
like I don't even know how you would say, like, sure, like, implying that there's the absence of the problem completely. I think there's there's more because a lot of cure. People want to return I get I totally want to be short. But unfortunately, medicine I don't think necessarily works like fluke. It's not like putting a light switch you go. You flip the light switch and it's cured. It's there's degrees and there's progression. And there's stages and lots of in between between I have a problem and my problem is gone. There's all this territory middle where there's improvement and backlogs and progress and how much of that completely cure and completely uncorrelated. That middle ground is the ground or somebody who could conceive a child like probably why did it? We don't know. We don't really know. So infertility is a tricky word is a tricky topic for people I think Italy can see as you can see it is less of a
You know, he's Elizabeth stigma. So it's hard for her to pill to people to swallow, you're in trouble with conception that's common. That's super common. And there's lots that can be done about infertility is like, you're barren. And I've never had kids again. And like, it's just, it's hard to know that it's really in pregnancy and stuff like guys, and it's a miracle like, man, it's so unpredictable. And what's up with that? You know, so if we reframe the question to
is agriculture a beneficial thing to do? If I'm having trouble experience? If I'm having trouble conceiving? Absolutely, the answer is absolutely, yes. Sad is provided that you find something specialized in it, and you find somebody who knows what they're doing have, you know, someone a track record, or to have the protocols, if maybe they will have their own dirty practitioner, they probably study with a Master who knows what they're doing, who has that track record, and you can guide them along the process. So I can picture you know, traditionally, it's passed down from master teacher to you know, disabled to stuff like that. So yeah, I mean, there's a lot that can happen in terms of resolving fertility issues. So that's all for now jump off. Thanks for listening and hope this helpful